How to start this?...Oh, well...conclusion: college changes who you are, gives you an idea of what life is about, of how things really work and how superficial it all starts to become. Almost two months of college and it's already clear to me how it all works.
You would think that starting college, learning how to get through life by your own, would force you to grow up, to think your age. But for some people, it doesn't apply. And they don't stay immature when it's about business or something related, but when it comes to feelings. Feelings these days are overrated. No one cares if you love, if you hate, if you care, if you adore, if you despite...It's just like they want to say : "you just feel what the hell you want, and let me have my fun, 'cause I don't give a damn about you and your stupid feelings". Or worse: "Yeei, she cares about me, time to take advantage of that".
I have seen true love, I know it's still possible, but too many people don't care anymore. It's all about being with someone so that people and friends could see that you can have whoever you want, having someone to do your business because you're to lazy to do it.."hey, she loves me, she'll do anything for me". Just how stupid can a human being be to take advantage of a person that loves him? I don't get it, it's beyond my brain's capacity.
How come pure love does not attract love, but it's like a magnet to morons with one tiny, almost extinct nerve cell? And what's even more sad is that this "moron effect" does not have nothing to do with age. Don't dare to say that if he's older, he's more mature, he knows something about how life goes, about how a woman loves, because he doesn't.
So, in conclusion ( the 2nd one ),love still exists somewhere deep in one's heart, so it's better to stay chill and wait, analyze and then choose wisely. Cupid has his own plans.

Friday, 2 November 2012
Saturday, 29 September 2012
New beginning, new life
A new's always a good thing in this messed up life of mine, and not only mine. We're young, It's normal for us to be messed up(I think...). Going to college has been for me a new start, and has given to me the opportunity of looking at life from a different point of view, a more mature one. Unfortunately I'm living alone, which is kind of hard for me because I'm not used to being on my own. Some may say that it's good that I'm living alone, I have all the peace and quiet that I want, but I like to talk, and when I get home to my room, and I find nobody, It's kind of sad. Moving on:))
Being away from home has not affected me as much as I thought. I got used to it pretty fast. Being all by myself, cooking for myself, cleaning my room, and all the things that I'm doing for me, alone, with no help, made me a tiny bit more mature. I say a tiny bit because I'm still at the beginning of it.
The best parts of being in college are definitely the new friends. You may be the most socially awkward person, but in college you get over it and make friends very fast. All in all I like my college life so far. It has been tiring but damn fun.
You get to meet all kinds of people, mostly the same as you, scared of this new beginning, but happy to be able to upgrade their level of maturity.
Moving to a new town, living a whole new kind of life, meeting new people, making new friends, being on our own ( without our mommy cleaning after us;)) ), Worshiping the little amount of money that we have, and that it's supposed to last a whole month...haaa :( This sounds to be like the word that I fear most : adulthood. Brace yourself, adulthood it's coming, and fast.
P.S: packing and unpacking is the worst part of moving. I HATE it.
Being away from home has not affected me as much as I thought. I got used to it pretty fast. Being all by myself, cooking for myself, cleaning my room, and all the things that I'm doing for me, alone, with no help, made me a tiny bit more mature. I say a tiny bit because I'm still at the beginning of it.
The best parts of being in college are definitely the new friends. You may be the most socially awkward person, but in college you get over it and make friends very fast. All in all I like my college life so far. It has been tiring but damn fun.
You get to meet all kinds of people, mostly the same as you, scared of this new beginning, but happy to be able to upgrade their level of maturity.
Moving to a new town, living a whole new kind of life, meeting new people, making new friends, being on our own ( without our mommy cleaning after us;)) ), Worshiping the little amount of money that we have, and that it's supposed to last a whole month...haaa :( This sounds to be like the word that I fear most : adulthood. Brace yourself, adulthood it's coming, and fast.
P.S: packing and unpacking is the worst part of moving. I HATE it.
Friday, 14 September 2012
Feelings in or out?
I'm going in circles again...some tell me that I attach to a person too much and some that I should not hide my feelings and stick to that person like a leech. My past self was a very cold person, hiding all her feeling, refusing to express any type of affection. Like my father told me : "your heart is made of ice". Well I guess that ice melted away because I'm to damn affectionate. I guess finding the right friend to oped up my eyes was all I needed.
Now, coming back to the subject; Hiding you feeling is not good, putting them on the table is not good as well. I kind of tend to stay in the middle; show your true feelings, but not all of them, it's good to keep some just for yourself. If you're too cold and indifferent you're going to have bad time; prepare yourself to hear that in every single day :" You're too cold, why can't you be more kind with me? Why don't you love me?" And it's not nice to hear all those things from the one that you love. The overly attached girlfriend or boyfriend also annoy me. Don't stick to that person too much, like a leech because sooner or later they'll get tired of you and your behavior. Now speaking from a girls point of view, girls stop being so annoying. When he goes out with his friends try to hide your phone away to stop yourself from calling him. He still has friends after all; he needs to keep socializing, he can't go out ALWAYS with you. Give him a break from time to time ( not to often though, he may get the wrong idea that you don't care about him).
Hearing after a week or two of relationship that : "God, I so love this boy; he's my life", makes me want to say : Are you kidding me? You can't be talking about love after a week of being with one person...You barely get to know his CV( his name, where he lives, favorite things and so on).
Some people chose to hide their feelings because they are afraid to be rejected. I totally understand that, but doing so you only harm yourself and you may be harming the other person as well because he may be in the same situation, he may be loving you as well but he's afraid to tell. So one day, when you feel more comfortable with him, just tell him, don't be afraid of being rejected. It happens, we move on.
So, to wrap things up... One needs to express some feelings because we are human beings and we feel, but be careful of the amount of feelings that to let to show. Some may take advantage of that and only suffering will come for you.
Now, coming back to the subject; Hiding you feeling is not good, putting them on the table is not good as well. I kind of tend to stay in the middle; show your true feelings, but not all of them, it's good to keep some just for yourself. If you're too cold and indifferent you're going to have bad time; prepare yourself to hear that in every single day :" You're too cold, why can't you be more kind with me? Why don't you love me?" And it's not nice to hear all those things from the one that you love. The overly attached girlfriend or boyfriend also annoy me. Don't stick to that person too much, like a leech because sooner or later they'll get tired of you and your behavior. Now speaking from a girls point of view, girls stop being so annoying. When he goes out with his friends try to hide your phone away to stop yourself from calling him. He still has friends after all; he needs to keep socializing, he can't go out ALWAYS with you. Give him a break from time to time ( not to often though, he may get the wrong idea that you don't care about him).
Hearing after a week or two of relationship that : "God, I so love this boy; he's my life", makes me want to say : Are you kidding me? You can't be talking about love after a week of being with one person...You barely get to know his CV( his name, where he lives, favorite things and so on).
Some people chose to hide their feelings because they are afraid to be rejected. I totally understand that, but doing so you only harm yourself and you may be harming the other person as well because he may be in the same situation, he may be loving you as well but he's afraid to tell. So one day, when you feel more comfortable with him, just tell him, don't be afraid of being rejected. It happens, we move on.
So, to wrap things up... One needs to express some feelings because we are human beings and we feel, but be careful of the amount of feelings that to let to show. Some may take advantage of that and only suffering will come for you.
Saturday, 8 September 2012
Love or Life?
A good friend of mine asked me an interesting question : "If you were to choose between love and life, what would you choose?" I have to say that at that moment and time I didn't know what to say. If I would chose life, life without love is meaningless, and love..well you can't love if you're not alive so...
These days I've been hooked on love, I keep on thinking, and thinking, and thinking about love. Like : what would it be like?, what could have been?, what if?.
Have you ever wished that you could erase some of your memories? I know I have. But then again if I hadn't lived what I lived, I guess I wouldn't be who I am today. They say that you don't remember days, you remember moments...yeah right. I remember freaking days...days that I wish to forget, but can't do so, so I'll have to live with them. They're a part of my life after all. No matter how those memories are, good or bad, they're mine, and they make me who I am.
In the end I choose life over love. One makes his own luck, his own fate...and if you're alive and kicking you can love and be loved back. Like Dr House said: Oxygen is more important than love. I just can't understand children these days that say that " if I don't have him, if he doesn't love me, I don't want to live anymore." When I hear this kind of talking coming from a 14 year old, I can't control the urge to slap that kid so hard to bring him back to Earth. Life doesn't end at one man or woman. The film of one's life is full of good, bad, horrible moments brought on by all kinds of people. If we don't learn from a young age to not give a damn of what others say or do, were going to end up bad. Sometimes we have to go on our own, to have a little alone time, just for ourselves to analyze the happenings in our life so far. After that we head out in the world that will surely seem better.
If you're alive, you'll be loved. Sooner or later someone will show how it feels to be truly loved. It is impossible for someone not to be loved. Keep in mind that some people have difficulties in showing their true feelings. Take some time and think about the people around you. You'll never know from where love will pop out.
These days I've been hooked on love, I keep on thinking, and thinking, and thinking about love. Like : what would it be like?, what could have been?, what if?.
Have you ever wished that you could erase some of your memories? I know I have. But then again if I hadn't lived what I lived, I guess I wouldn't be who I am today. They say that you don't remember days, you remember moments...yeah right. I remember freaking days...days that I wish to forget, but can't do so, so I'll have to live with them. They're a part of my life after all. No matter how those memories are, good or bad, they're mine, and they make me who I am.
In the end I choose life over love. One makes his own luck, his own fate...and if you're alive and kicking you can love and be loved back. Like Dr House said: Oxygen is more important than love. I just can't understand children these days that say that " if I don't have him, if he doesn't love me, I don't want to live anymore." When I hear this kind of talking coming from a 14 year old, I can't control the urge to slap that kid so hard to bring him back to Earth. Life doesn't end at one man or woman. The film of one's life is full of good, bad, horrible moments brought on by all kinds of people. If we don't learn from a young age to not give a damn of what others say or do, were going to end up bad. Sometimes we have to go on our own, to have a little alone time, just for ourselves to analyze the happenings in our life so far. After that we head out in the world that will surely seem better.
If you're alive, you'll be loved. Sooner or later someone will show how it feels to be truly loved. It is impossible for someone not to be loved. Keep in mind that some people have difficulties in showing their true feelings. Take some time and think about the people around you. You'll never know from where love will pop out.
Saturday, 23 June 2012
The end
The end of a thing is the start of another. But "the end" is one hard thing !! After four years in high-school I have finally graduated. But with that, a state of sadness and regret has wrapped my heart. When you're at school, tired, angry, grumpy you say : Jeez, why do I have to go to school? Why can't it end faster". I've been there and said that multiple times; but now I regret those words. High-school years never come back, and they're the most beautiful from your entire life.
My graduation prom was the best, not because of the restaurant or, I don't know, the music or stuff like that; but because I was surrounded by my friends and classmates. I think that was the first time that we got together like that, all of us. We all have that kid that doesn't stand us, or makes us angry just to see him. But that night I forgot all the bad things and just had fun with all my friends. They were, after all, my other big family. I've spent with them 4 years of my life, so I think that a really special and strong bond was created between us. At about 2 a.m it really hit me: I'm not going to see my friends anymore, we are all going separate ways, following or dreams making them come true. I started crying in the arms of my best friend that I've known for 14 years. Even them, she was there, by my side and I thank her for that. I'm going to miss all my friends; they were my family even though we argued from time to time, we yelled at each other, got angry. But those are things that pass easily, but the bond that we created between us stays strong.
Even though three weeks have passed since I've finished high-school, I miss it already. It's like I know I'm maturing day by day, I'm becoming an adult, and I'm so scared. I still want to be a kid and have fun with my friends. But I got to face life 'cause it's not going to end here. Good things have yet to come. So bring it on !!
My graduation prom was the best, not because of the restaurant or, I don't know, the music or stuff like that; but because I was surrounded by my friends and classmates. I think that was the first time that we got together like that, all of us. We all have that kid that doesn't stand us, or makes us angry just to see him. But that night I forgot all the bad things and just had fun with all my friends. They were, after all, my other big family. I've spent with them 4 years of my life, so I think that a really special and strong bond was created between us. At about 2 a.m it really hit me: I'm not going to see my friends anymore, we are all going separate ways, following or dreams making them come true. I started crying in the arms of my best friend that I've known for 14 years. Even them, she was there, by my side and I thank her for that. I'm going to miss all my friends; they were my family even though we argued from time to time, we yelled at each other, got angry. But those are things that pass easily, but the bond that we created between us stays strong.
Even though three weeks have passed since I've finished high-school, I miss it already. It's like I know I'm maturing day by day, I'm becoming an adult, and I'm so scared. I still want to be a kid and have fun with my friends. But I got to face life 'cause it's not going to end here. Good things have yet to come. So bring it on !!
Sunday, 20 May 2012
Just like that
These days I've stood and listened to many stories about all kinds of stuff. But one caught my attention and I was very keen to discuss it. The topic that I heard was about spending time alone with the one that is your boyfriend /girlfriend. And I've heard two opinions: one was that there is no need for a couple to spend too much time alone, together, and the other one was about how to spend more time together.
First of all I want to say one important thing: never let your friends get in the way of your relationship. If they truly are friends they will understand you and they'll give you the privacy you need with your loved one. If not, then either talk to them and explain or "hasta la vista, baby". But what if your bf/gf doesn't want to be more time with you. Here,the lack of communication is the problem. Just talk, make things clear, reveal your true feelings and don't ever be afraid to say what you truly feel. If he/she loves you and cares about you he/she will be willing to listen and change the things a little bit in order for the both of you to be happy.
In my opinion, I find it impossible not to spend some quality time with your partner, because there is love involved in a relationship, and when you love the saddest thing to do is to say goodbye when you have to go home, or to school or somewhere because you will have to bear not seeing him/her for a couple of hours or so. It doesn't matter how busy your schedule is, you must make time at least once a week or so to spend it with your boyfriend/girlfriend. Those little details (that for me are huge) like holding hands, feeling the warmth of your loved one, listening to his heartbeat, hearing his voice, just feeling that he is with you, holding you. Those moments are unique because you never get to feel like that, just because every moment in your life is special and single. So even if time is not by your side, you make it be. It's all about being willing to do so.If that person makes you happy, be devoted, faithful and caring because he/she is the reason that you smile every day.
First of all I want to say one important thing: never let your friends get in the way of your relationship. If they truly are friends they will understand you and they'll give you the privacy you need with your loved one. If not, then either talk to them and explain or "hasta la vista, baby". But what if your bf/gf doesn't want to be more time with you. Here,the lack of communication is the problem. Just talk, make things clear, reveal your true feelings and don't ever be afraid to say what you truly feel. If he/she loves you and cares about you he/she will be willing to listen and change the things a little bit in order for the both of you to be happy.
In my opinion, I find it impossible not to spend some quality time with your partner, because there is love involved in a relationship, and when you love the saddest thing to do is to say goodbye when you have to go home, or to school or somewhere because you will have to bear not seeing him/her for a couple of hours or so. It doesn't matter how busy your schedule is, you must make time at least once a week or so to spend it with your boyfriend/girlfriend. Those little details (that for me are huge) like holding hands, feeling the warmth of your loved one, listening to his heartbeat, hearing his voice, just feeling that he is with you, holding you. Those moments are unique because you never get to feel like that, just because every moment in your life is special and single. So even if time is not by your side, you make it be. It's all about being willing to do so.If that person makes you happy, be devoted, faithful and caring because he/she is the reason that you smile every day.
Saturday, 14 April 2012
Love = Life?
"They say that the world was
built for two
Only worth living if somebody is loving you"
Only worth living if somebody is loving you"
These two lines made me think about this aspect of life for way to much time now."They say that the world was built for two"; indeed the world was built for two to make life easier. When you have someone by your side to make you feel better, to support you and to love you, life gets easier in a moment. "Only worth living if somebody is loving you"; life is worth living because it's something you get from God as a gift, as a blessing. Life has it's ups and downs, and we can get through those tough times very hard sometimes, because being strong and keeping your head up is one tough thing to do.
If I take apart the part of life being a gift from God, I can easily say that life is only worth living if somebody is loving you. When you feel you are loved by another person you feel so good, no one can describe. Knowing that you are in someones heart, you are cherished and loved, it makes you feel like you're the most lucky person on Earth. Well, you are. It's hard nowadays to find a person that loves you for who you really are, and takes you as you come with flaws and all. We all look for perfection in a person, but no one is perfect. Perfection lives in imperfection, so stop looking for the perfect one because he doesn't exist. Indeed life is better when you love and you're loved back. But in my opinion to love is one tough task.
With love, yes, better things come, but also responsibility, worries, fights, tears and more. Love comes as an "all in one" item. Especially when you have previously been in love and have been deceived, you are scared to love again and put your heart through all that mess again. The feeling of fright can make it's way to your heart and make you stress out over the one you love. You never know when you're going to part ways. Tonight you hold him in your arms and kiss him, and the next day he's gone. Even though it's life, is hurts to love. But when you find the one that indeed loves you, you learn how to live life at it's fullest. Then you know you're happy. You can't get more happy than that.
So, to conclude things, yes , I do think that life is worth living is somebody is loving you because then you truly live life.
Thursday, 16 February 2012
“A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.”
― William Shakespeare
What would be life like without our friends by our side? I truly can not imagine this scenario. From an early age we learn by ourselves that having someone to play with, to share your toys with and grow up with is one of the best things in life. I have experienced this as well as all of the people of this world. A friend is a gift that we receive to make our lifes better. We have the right to choose our friends, but in most cases they choose us.
I remember the first person I made friends with. I could never forget how it all happened: I was in the 1st grade at school and every day my mom gave me an apple to eat at school. One day I happened to give my apple to a girl from my class. And so it all started. At that time I didn't realize that I had encountered my best friend. And so I continued to bring her an apple every day. And since that day we became best friends, and the best part is that we had the opportunity to discover each other as we really are. Even now, after 12 years we are still the same as we started, or so I like to think.
I remember Oscar Wilde once saying that: True friends stabs you in the front. I can give an argument to that. For example: you say you have a true friend, you tell him'her all your secrets, all your thoughts, just all that's on your mind, trusting that person that he won't tell anyone else. But, hey, welcome to the cruel world. The next day you find out that half your school knows your secrets. To sum it all up: true friends keep their mouths shut. Why can't that so called friend tell in your face that he'she can't keep such things a secret and love to do you harm with what you trusted him'her with?
Friendship is not something that you can learn at school. It just comes right at you and if you're lucky it never leaves. It amazes me when I hear stories about people being friends for over 20- 30 years. That's like having a brother or a sister that's not related to you by blood. A friend knows all your thoughts, all your mistakes, all your hidden crushes, all that's about you and vice-versa. He knows when you're not well just by looking in your eyes, he knows when you're in love, when you're in trouble. And he's always there for you no matter what. He's always ready to stand up for you, to love you and cherish you.
That's why friendship should be cherished and taking care of because having a true friend by your side makes life seem like a better place.
― William Shakespeare
What would be life like without our friends by our side? I truly can not imagine this scenario. From an early age we learn by ourselves that having someone to play with, to share your toys with and grow up with is one of the best things in life. I have experienced this as well as all of the people of this world. A friend is a gift that we receive to make our lifes better. We have the right to choose our friends, but in most cases they choose us.
I remember the first person I made friends with. I could never forget how it all happened: I was in the 1st grade at school and every day my mom gave me an apple to eat at school. One day I happened to give my apple to a girl from my class. And so it all started. At that time I didn't realize that I had encountered my best friend. And so I continued to bring her an apple every day. And since that day we became best friends, and the best part is that we had the opportunity to discover each other as we really are. Even now, after 12 years we are still the same as we started, or so I like to think.
I remember Oscar Wilde once saying that: True friends stabs you in the front. I can give an argument to that. For example: you say you have a true friend, you tell him'her all your secrets, all your thoughts, just all that's on your mind, trusting that person that he won't tell anyone else. But, hey, welcome to the cruel world. The next day you find out that half your school knows your secrets. To sum it all up: true friends keep their mouths shut. Why can't that so called friend tell in your face that he'she can't keep such things a secret and love to do you harm with what you trusted him'her with?
Friendship is not something that you can learn at school. It just comes right at you and if you're lucky it never leaves. It amazes me when I hear stories about people being friends for over 20- 30 years. That's like having a brother or a sister that's not related to you by blood. A friend knows all your thoughts, all your mistakes, all your hidden crushes, all that's about you and vice-versa. He knows when you're not well just by looking in your eyes, he knows when you're in love, when you're in trouble. And he's always there for you no matter what. He's always ready to stand up for you, to love you and cherish you.
That's why friendship should be cherished and taking care of because having a true friend by your side makes life seem like a better place.
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