Saturday, 23 June 2012

The end

The end of a thing is the start of another. But "the end" is one hard thing !! After four years in high-school I have finally graduated. But with that, a state of sadness and regret has wrapped my heart. When you're at school, tired, angry, grumpy you say : Jeez, why do I have to go to school? Why can't it end faster". I've been there and said that multiple times; but now I regret those words. High-school years never come back, and they're the most beautiful from your entire life.
My graduation prom was the best, not because of the restaurant or, I don't know, the music or stuff like that; but because I was surrounded by my friends and classmates. I think that was the first time that we got together like that, all of us. We all have that kid that doesn't stand us, or makes us angry just to see him. But that night I forgot all the bad things and just had fun with all my friends. They were, after all, my other big family. I've spent with them 4 years of my life, so I think that a really special and strong bond was created between us. At about 2 a.m it really hit me: I'm not going to see my friends anymore, we are all going separate ways, following or dreams making them come true. I started crying in the arms of my best friend that I've known for 14 years. Even them, she was there, by my side and I thank her for that. I'm going to miss all my friends; they were my family even though we argued from time to time, we yelled at each other, got angry. But those are things that pass easily, but the bond that we created between us stays strong.
Even though three weeks have passed since I've finished high-school, I miss it already. It's like I know I'm maturing day by day, I'm becoming an adult, and I'm so scared. I still want to be a kid and have fun with my friends. But I got to face life 'cause it's not going to end here. Good things have yet to come. So bring it on !!