"You two seem like the perfect couple, you look so good together". Those words are meant to make one feel better about their relationship right? Well yes, it's true up to an extent. The response proceeding those words for a couple in a long distance relationship would be "Thank you, but we're not in the perfect situation though". When a couple engages in a long distance relationship, they have to know from the start that a lot of sacrifices will be made. I guess we are made to have a feeling when we meet our so called soul mate. That's why we accept in going aboard a long and bumpy journey.
Missing someone is not such a great feeling, but it keeps you going; you are under the same sky, watching the same stars even if you're a city away, a country, an ocean or a continent away from each other. Just the thought of the times spent together and the ones that are to come keeps the engine going. Plus, you know you are lucky to have someone so special to miss. Those that are in a long distance relationship appreciate one another more, because they know they can trust each other and put their full confidence in their significant other.
But, of course, the beginning is always hard. Until a couple gets to know each other enough to give a full trust, doubt kicks in. " Where is he, why doesn't he answer, is he cheating on me?", those are the most common questions a woman puts. It is in the human nature of a woman to think quick, doubt even quicker and accuse. And from here it all starts.Things getting colder, interest gets lost and so it ends.
That is if they are not responsible enough and they are uncommunicative. Communication is the key; if one doesn't like something, they just have to say it, resolve the situation together; why keep it in and let it accumulate.
A point is reached when the waiting is too long and you need that person there, by your side, then, right away. That's the threshold when you know you need to get that flight or train ticket and get there.
Technology has evolved so much, that even though we are not able to touch that person, we can see and hear our loved one and it's still a big thing in such a situation.
For two strong hearts that know what they want, distance is nothing. They didn't say that "good things come for those who wait" for nothing. It's surprising to see how a person that is far away can make one feel so loved and cherished, rather than one that is right beside them.
Nothing good comes easy. So keep your ground and wait together.