Friday, 12 July 2013

On my way to freedom

     Memories, actions, people, feelings...all this make us who we are today. The past, the present and the future are the three things that we think about basically all day long, every day. Or so it should be.
     Some of us are still trapped in the past, not being able to enjoy the present and think about the future. The same question that they ask themselves: "What if..."haunts them. They wonder if they had done something different, said something, would they be living another present now? But beside the "What if..." question, there is also "I shouldn't have...". 
     We regret what we didn't do or say but also what we did say. Either way,act or don't act, it's still gonna screw your life in one way or another. But acting makes things a tiny, little bit easier to deal with in the present. Living in the past is pure torture that we make ourselves go through. We all have bad memories, moments in our life that we want to forget but we can't, and we live tied up to the past, forgetting to live in the present and think about the future. What we did in a moment of anger, stupidity, selfishness will haunt us until we're done with. 
     So what's to be done? First, go in the past, go to that moment and figure out what you did wrong. Then find your present, find your words, and go make things right. Stop pitying yourself and go straighten things up. It's the only way that freedom will be attained. Even though things may not turn out okay, your heart and soul can calm down and search for the future. 
     I always hear "Time will heal everything". I think that is one big lie. Time does not heal...the only one that can make a difference and heal, is you. You are your own doctor. Why live in the past when we only have one life? Give yourself an upgrade, look forward and make things right. It may be too late but it may be not. So step up, and live in your present. 

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