Monday, 18 August 2014

Mirror mirror on the wall

       Childhood it is said to be the most beautiful period of our life, the one that we will always want to go back to. It's the place where our dreams were born, where we were innocent and pure at heart, we still loved just the sight of a beautiful butterfly that we would chase around until we got tired. This is the perfect script right? But for some, childhood was a bitter period.
       Being a little different than the rest of the children can lead to be pointed fingers at, laughed at, bullied, made fun of. And kids are much more sensitive than adults ( even adults can still be affected ), and all those words and actions of other kids or people are kept well hidden in their tiny and sensitive hearts. And as they grow up, they feel insecure, scared, shy, afraid to be judged again.
      Those kids become,ultimately, adults. What's different about them? They suffer from a disease called Low Self-Confidence. The fear of failing, of letting people down, of being judged is always present inside them. But what they don't realize yet is that people are ALWAYS going to judge you, are going to talk behind your back and so on, because this is how humans are! It basically in our nature to do that, whether we what it or not, those words are still going to come out. So what's to do then?
       Me, as a teenager, I grew up basically alone...I was judged, pointed fingers at and all the humiliating package. My level of self confidence was rock-bottom and no one was there to teach me how to deal with that. So I just grew up like that. But it seems that as you grow older, you start to see things more clear and everything makes sense. And I found ways to change the old shy self. The answer to curing low self confidence is through TRAINING. "I'm not going to that job interview; I know already I'm gonna get rejected", "I'm not going to speak with that guy, he'll get scared of how I look". So basically we're afraid of loosing, failing. But guess what, learning how to loose, you win a bigger prize: a chance to achieve perfection. Loosing makes one win another chance of trying and succeeding.
       So people, please stop saying "I can't", "It's impossible", "nope, that's not for me", "I'm too ugly for him/her"; it's kinda time to change you vocabulary into "I can", "why not", "let's give it a shot", "hell yeah I'm gonna talk to him/her".There may be times when you just want to quit, give it all up, but that's a stupid action, something a coward would do, so forget it !
       Don't take life as an easy thing, it's not supposed to be easy. When you step outside your house, leave your shyness and insecurity at home, and go out there and rock ! Tall, small, fat, slim, black, yellow, white, WHO CARES !! You are you, you know yourself, other's opinions are just some useless babbles.
Take some time and just look into the mirror, tell yourself EVERY TIME that you can and you will do it, and there you go, self confidence restored. Buuuut, you don't achieve it over night.It might take some time, so hang in there.
       You are your own source of strength, so be confident and trust yourself!

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