“Sometimes we focus so much on what we don't have that we fail to see, appreciate, and use what we do have!”...I found this one a while ago and it took me some time to put some ideas together.
You know how we always say: "Why is this happening to me out of all the people out there? What did I do to deserve such a thing?"
I'm seeing these days 3-4 y.o kids with an iphone and complain they don't have the latest version of it...back when I was 4 y.o I didn't even know we had a phone -_-. Where is the world heading too ?
Some children these days are way too spoiled. They want something, they can just cry until they are about to explode in the middle of the street and puff, they get what they want. Those kids ultimately become adults and are the type of people that have it all and yet they are not satisfied and want even more. Instead of thanking God every day for being able to wake up and live the life they have, as it is, they start complaining. It usually surrounds a relationship and work. If they have a relationship, they will always want more and the words that set me off are: "Why can't you be like that couple?" If I were to be involved in a discussion that gets to this question, I would end it right away, take my bag and leave. It's like parents do when you are little: " Why can't you get a grade like Jack's?", "Why can't you be as carring like Betty's kid?" I hated to hear that when I was younger and I'm getting sick when I hear it today. We all are different, we interpret love and affection in different ways. You can't go around comparing people, couples, relationships, families. If you do that, PLEASE stay away from me. It is an individual world...we all are who we are. You don't like something, don't compare, talk nicely about it, and solve the problem. And at work is the same think: "Why can't I have the promotion I want? Why is my schedule so busy?"
Why can't we just appreciate what we have? Why do we want more? Some people don't even have a job, don't even have a family, a house. And it's the human that complains of having it all, but not enough...well the human race is very greedy. The more we have, the happier we are, theoretically, but it's not the case. A person knows what he has and values it. A roof above his head, a family. From here the future can be made as we wish as long as we have a place to come back to and a family to love and be loved without doubt.
The "have it all people" fail to see what's around them. They are only focused on having more. "I don't have that latest perfume, I need to buy it"...why? you already have one ! "The newest version of smartphone is way better, I have to buy it! "...why? you already have a phone ! And the list goes on, greediness has no end to it.
Stop wanting more and say thank you for what you have. You grew with your parents by your side, you are one of the lucky ones, you have friends, you go to a school, have pocket money, nice clothes, a phone, a family....YOU are lucky to have those...some just dream of it. start appreciating and you'll have more than you expect.
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